Monday 28 January 2013

Team Meet Day

Meet up day
I met with Lee and Meash today. We have a monthly Strategy meeting. Some times it feels like a negative step to take a day out of production mode but I always find that the meeting helps everyone get up to date and take a step back and look at what's happening. Having someone also ask probing and interesting questions brings something new to the business and certainly brushes the cob webs away from our thinking. Plus you can't beat the meal at the pub at lunch time! 

I have a number of horrid tasks that I don't want to do but I know I have to do them. So this week I will be taking out my sword of truth and cutting these tasks to pieces and getting some great results! We'll see...

AGK demo
Someone in the AGK forums made this cool 3D demo;

Height Map Loader in AGK

OK, it's 11pm now. I have done enough. Time to rest my brain and keep some kip.

Sunday 27 January 2013

Hide It Find It Released!

OK, a quick token blog to get back into the swing of it.

We just got our latest app released on the App Store. It's called Hide It Find It and was all coded in AGK Tier 1 Basic with some heavy php server side stuff to boot.

Download it here if you have an iPhone or iPad; Hide It Find It

We are 98% complete on the Android version, so expect to see that very soon.

OK, over and out for now.

Sunday 12 August 2012

And I'm back!

OK, so it's been a while since I last blogged. I think I got distracted somewhat. I was never very good at writing a diary. Since my last blog entry a lot has happened and we have a new product called App Game Kit. You can check it out here.

Hopefully I'll be posting news and info from time to time.

Now back to a lazy Sunday with some DIY work mixed in.


Sunday 13 July 2008

Walking weekend

Spent most of this weekend walking the dog. It's a cheap way to keep fit and it keeps the naughty westie tired out and thus not very naughty!

The weather has been good, a pleasant change to all the rain we had last week.

I tried not to check emails and keep away from the old PC but I did do a few checks on Saturday - sort of addicted to email checking.

Took Hollie swimming on Saturday while Sam and Caroline played Badminton.

I'm reading an interesting book from the library called "What's it all about", it's recommended reading if you want a different take on life, the universe and everything. The book is on Amazon here.

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Back to blogging

OK, I'm back after a very long break. No pressure on me this time, I'll just blog when I feel like it (and find the time).

I have been reading a new book about the Tao, it's called "Living the wisdom of the Tao".

It's very good stuff, I feel like I'm growing and knowing more about this thing called life :-)

See the author's site here.

Monday 24 September 2007

Things are coming to a head!

Many of the projects we are working on are coming to a head. A good job really because we have been on them for so long, it's about time the general public had a play with them.

Life has been interesting and as ever has throw it's challenges at me. Just the other day I managed to trip over my dog whilst running fast, I ended up skidding along the road in the wet. It felt like being a kid again! Luckily I wasn't too badly hurt, stupid me (and dumb dog).

I am busy making tutorial videos for X10, I started with a lot of passion but now it's like hard work. Still, just a few more to do and then I'm done.

Thursday 23 August 2007

Ibiza was hot and so is X10!

My family went out to Ibiza last week. It's a hot island but when we landed (4 hours late) it as raining like a monsoon. The next day the sun showed up and normal service was restored. The week was both enjoyable and painful. I doubt anyone in their right mind would have a proper holiday taking their kids!! Enough said eh?

We got delayed 7 hours on the way back, not much fun when you have kids in toe.

Since getting back I have had the pleasure of using X10 and it's certainly come a long way since I saw it last. Still needs a number of things improved but it gets better with ever build.