Monday 28 January 2013

Team Meet Day

Meet up day
I met with Lee and Meash today. We have a monthly Strategy meeting. Some times it feels like a negative step to take a day out of production mode but I always find that the meeting helps everyone get up to date and take a step back and look at what's happening. Having someone also ask probing and interesting questions brings something new to the business and certainly brushes the cob webs away from our thinking. Plus you can't beat the meal at the pub at lunch time! 

I have a number of horrid tasks that I don't want to do but I know I have to do them. So this week I will be taking out my sword of truth and cutting these tasks to pieces and getting some great results! We'll see...

AGK demo
Someone in the AGK forums made this cool 3D demo;

Height Map Loader in AGK

OK, it's 11pm now. I have done enough. Time to rest my brain and keep some kip.

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