Friday 16 February 2007

Work, work, work

The many plates have been spun and I feel as if lots of them have now had their spin and can be tidied away. I think I have done too much this week, a blood vessel in my eye lid is pulsing - a sure sign I need to take it easy and get away from the monitor.

Our XBOX 360 has decided to start scratching disks - 2 copies of Sonic have big round scratches, thanks Microsoft!

Work on the projects is all going well - there's a real feeling of completeness coming!

Happy weekend is a coming...

Wednesday 14 February 2007

Clearing my in box

Seems like my inbox has mould growing on many of my emails. It's weird how some of them seem to hang on in there, not urgent, not deletable and at some time in the future they require my attention. Ideally I'd like to pass them over to another team member but I just know it'll come back to me.

Monday 12 February 2007

Monday busy monday

Lots to do today, the spinning plate operation begins and I find that I'm in the zone when it comes to keeping my plates spinning. Spoke to Lee this morning and it seems he's in the zone too.

It's been a day of constant tasks. Life is very much, events, events, events. Success = lots of little jobs done to a satisfactory state, I just seem to have my fair share of them!

Sunday 11 February 2007

Family life

Oh the joys of family life! No sooner do you help a family member to overcome a mundane issues when another family member creates another issue for you to hopefully pass wisdom upon. With the kids being 10 and 4 and us having 2 budgies and a new puppy, life in the kitchen can be noisy and annoying. I do my best to remain calm and in the moment and then all of a sudden I'll decide I've had enough and need to raise my voice. Oh well, it's all part of the learning process I guess. :-)

Today we've mainly stayed in. I walked Teddy with Hollie in the morning and then Sam went out with his Dad for 3 hours while Hollie, Caz, Teddy and I visited Lou, James and Granny. Then we popped in to see Grandad.

A typical Sunday I guess.

Friday 9 February 2007

I have started my blog!

Well I have finally decided to do something new and start a blog. I'll be 40 this year and it feels harder to get in tune with the new ways of the world. Well, I've done it and soon it will be second nature.

In business work is going great with lots of things to do and plenty of opportunities on the horizon. We are very busy working on our Windows Vista! version of FPS Creator, check out some information here. That's a video of a demo that runs on Windows Vista! in Direct X10. Only a tiny percentage of users will be able to run that demo but in time they'll be a mass market out there.

Home life is great too, there's a lot happening around our family but I'm sure we'll be fine. Here's a video of our puppy Teddy