Sunday 11 February 2007

Family life

Oh the joys of family life! No sooner do you help a family member to overcome a mundane issues when another family member creates another issue for you to hopefully pass wisdom upon. With the kids being 10 and 4 and us having 2 budgies and a new puppy, life in the kitchen can be noisy and annoying. I do my best to remain calm and in the moment and then all of a sudden I'll decide I've had enough and need to raise my voice. Oh well, it's all part of the learning process I guess. :-)

Today we've mainly stayed in. I walked Teddy with Hollie in the morning and then Sam went out with his Dad for 3 hours while Hollie, Caz, Teddy and I visited Lou, James and Granny. Then we popped in to see Grandad.

A typical Sunday I guess.

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