Tuesday 31 July 2007

What the Bleep do we know?

Last night I watched the film "What the Bleep do we know?", this new age, what the hell's life about stuff is what I tend to crave. It was a fascinating movie and did leave me with some new insights. The main lesson was to use a quiet time in the morning to prepare myself for the day, having the intention of setting it up so that it would all go to plan and so the universe will also help me get the results I'd like.

Check it out here if you're interested: http://www.whatthebleep.com/

Sunday 29 July 2007

Back from Wales

Our family week in Wales is over now. It was a nice break away from being online and staring into this Dell monitor! The kids had a good time and the dog enjoyed the sea air. I came back to 890 emails, 90% of which we're killed off by the junk filter.

Monday will be catch up day and I have just printed the next Newsletter off - so time to read what Steve and Rich have been up to, on the surface it looks as interesting as ever.

While away I listened to a lot of pod casts, one of which I can highly recommend, check it out here:


Friday 20 July 2007

Rick Packs up for a week...

My last day before I take the family to Wales. The weather looks terrible so I'll be listening to my iPod, reading book, walking the dog and dealing with the kids.

The past week has felt like walking in slow motion, so many things need to be fixed in X10 but I know Lee will sort them while I'm away.

Dave and Mike are getting close to completing their project (a new learning to drive title), so I'll have two bug free products to come back to (dream on man!). They will both need a long break after they master that huge title.

Wednesday 18 July 2007

Train keeps on chuffin!

Another long day in the saddle! Yeh, debugging mode all round for the team. Things are getting sorted though and it's all necessary steps to reach the end goal. The journey must be enjoyed not just the destination.

Thanks to all of your who have added into the map, so cool to see you all around the world using our tech.

Here's a video of our Dog Teddy. This was taken when he was a pup. He's now 9 months old but you get a good idea of his character.

Map for TGC users!

The gravy train

Both FPSC X10 and DTSP2 are in debug mode and like all debug modes it feels like these projects will never be finished and off our books. History shows that this is not true and it's just the task, task, task period until it's done. A lot of self doubt can come up when working in this phase, you can start comparing your project to bigger titles that the huge studios create. I need to remind myself that we are a small company, delivering innovative titles to niece audiences.

Well, back to the daily tasks...

Sunday 15 July 2007

Cans and worms

Software development is full of challenges. Each tiny aspect of a game these days has a massive array of extra issues surrounding it. This week was the first week when I really felt that FPSCX10 was going to deliver the ability to animate over 50 enemies. The rag doll effect has also been crafted better and we're throwing in more smoke and blood effects. There's still lots to do and I hope we can do it justice in the time frame.

Two weeks of holiday coming up, one in Wales and one in Ibiza. So I need to get my skates on and get everyone up to date.

DTSP2 is almost done, still a lots of little issues but we can see the end in sight.

Also met Steve Vink this week and Lee's house. It was a good meeting with lots of new ideas thrown around.

Back to family life today, rain is coming so it's a game of chess maybe?

Sunday 8 July 2007

Weekend of cleaning up

Spent the weekend cleaning up around the house doing gardening and brushing up the general dust and dirt. We are now ready for the tree surgeon guy on Monday.

Live Earth was worth a view on TV, some good groups.

Lousie, Granny and James went on holiday.

Friday 6 July 2007

Life explained for FREE!

Check out this FREE pod cast. It will certainly give you something to think about!
